Lecturer in telecommunications in Thies Polytechnique school, EPT,
Head of computer engineering and telecommunications department at EPT
About me
- Professor in telecommunications at Thies Polytechnique school, EPT since 2013
- Head of (GIT), the computer engineering and telecommunications department of EPT
Next generation mobile network (5G, 6G,..), Wireless network (Wifi, WiMax ,laser mode locking, optical fiber LAN, optical fiber networks ,Passive Optical Networks (PON),Radio-over-Fiber (RoF), Mobile Virtual Optical Network..
- Telecommunications courses at EPT school (Data transmission, signal processing, wireles networks, mobiles networks… )
- Telecommunications trainer for pilot officers ( EAA ) of Army of Senegal, 2016-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of mobiles networks of Lome in Togo , 2020-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of optical network transmission , signal processing in École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) de Dakar, from 2010-2015
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks,, data transmission in Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT) de Dakar, 2011-2015
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks, mobiles networks in Ecole Supérieure de technologie et de Management (ESTM) de Dakar, 2011-2019
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks, mobiles networks in university of Bambey (2014- 2019)
- Visiting Professor: Course of data transmission in University of Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis 2014, 2019-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of data transmission in University of Thies (UT), 2018-2021
Kills domains
- In Telecommunications:
- Optical Networks, FTTx : Fiber To The x (Home, Antenna …)
- Convergence optical and wireless network :RoF (Radio over Fiber).
- Free Space Optics
- MVNO (Mobile Virtuel Network Operartor)
- Antennas (configurations , deployment , diagramme, test…)
- Signal processing (analog and digital)
- Data transmission (analog and digital, modulations..)
- Coding (source coding, canal coding…)
- Operators Network : RTC, RNIS, ATM, Frame Relay, MPLS, SS7, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, LTE , 5G
- …
2. In Electronics/optoelectronics :
- Electronic components (passives and actives)
- High frequency circuits
- Power electronics (rectifiers, choppers, inverters…)
- Optical transmitters (DEL, Diode Laser)
- Optical receivers (PIN, APD)
3. In Computer Sciences:
- Programmation
- Simulators ( matlab-simulink, Comsis , optisystem )
- Cisco and Huawei network ( certificate at huawei in routing and switching…)
- Network security
- IEEE , Fundamenals limitations on introducing low cost optical sources in hybrid 40/100G PON, ISBN 978-89-5519-154-7, Feb. 13~16, 2011 ICACT2011 en Corée, (www.ieeexplore.ieee.org) , indexée IEEE , scopus
- CAMES : Contraintes des sources optiques pour une migration souple vers les NG-PON, Rev.CAMES-Série A, 13(1):82-87, juin 2012
- Computer Technology and Application, Evolution to 200G-Passive Optical Network, (2012) 723-728 , indexée DBLP
- Springer: Distributed Network Slicing and User Association in Unequal STBC-SNR Branch: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 296. Springer, Cham , indexée scopus, zbMATH
- IEEE: Radio, Frequency signal generation by Optical Injection Locking in Remote Heterodyne Detection for next-generation wireless networks: 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), Phoenix Park, PyeongChang,, Korea (South), 2020, pp. 430-436, indexée IEEE , scopus
- IJSER: Impact of error correction codes in the optical communication: case of fountain code, Vol 11,Issue 5,May 2020 Ed. eBook Cover, Indexée Copernicus
- IEEE: Performance of Polar Code in Cooperative systems: 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering-ICECCE 2020, indexée IEEE , scopus.
- IEEE: WDM-OIL-TDM Hybrid Passive Optical Network: 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering-ICECCE 2020, indexée IEEE , scopus .
- IJAR: Evaluation of 1 Tbit/s WDM-OIL-TDM-PON Performance on 28 GHz Frequency Band , International Journal of Advanced Research, CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result ISSN: 2394-2630.
- JSAER, A LOW-COST ARCHITECTURE FOR MONITORING THE AVERAGE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FOR PUBLIC HEALTH, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Result ISSN: 2394-2630, 2021
IJMOT, 60 GHz RF Signals Generation Across a Wide Range of Frequency Multiplication Factors Based on Optical Injection Locking, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.16, No.3, May 2021 indexée scopus .
- IJMOT, A New Method for Coexistence of PON Generations for Rural Broadband ICT, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.17, No.4, July 2022 indexée scopus .
- Spriger, Network Slicing User Association Under Optimal Input Covariance Matrix in Virtual Network MVNO, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Volume 147, indexée par SCOPUS, INSPEC, EI Compendex
Ph.D Students (co-)supervised:
- Seydou Conombo : ” Architecture de réseaux optique/radio pour le déploiement des TICs dans les zones rurales ”with Ahmed Dooguy KORA, Samuel OUYA , 2022
Ph.D Students participated :
- Thesis Rapporteur : Latyr NDIAYE, ” Étude de la contribution des télécommunications et réseaux programmés
dans le processus de développement des pays en Afrique subsaharienne.” , 2022 - Thesis Rapporteur : ELONO ONGBWA Brice Axel, ” Proposition d’une approche objective pour la collecte des données permettant d’évaluer la
couverture radio, la QoS ou la QoE dans les réseaux mobiles lors des campagnes de mesure “, 2022 - Thesis examiner: Mbemba HYDARA , ” QoS/QoE OF MOBILE NETWORKS IN A MULTI-TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT “, 2021
- Thesis examiner: Bessan Melckior DEGBOE , “ Contribution des technologies émergentes de la 4e révolution industrielle à la réalisation des travaux pratiques dans une formation bimodale et leurs applications dans les STEM ”, 2022
Master Students (co-)supervised:
- Deputy head of the SREC : External Relations and Cooperation Services of EPT
- Responsible for internships and integration of graduates of EPT
- Fabmanager and deputy head FABLAB of EPT
- Participation in the writing Books of educational works in networks and telecoms
- Training in writing research project for funding, DIES ProGRANT alumni.
- Visiting researchers in ENSIL of Limoges in Xlim laboralatory , 2015.
- Visiting researchers in CNAM of Paris the laboratory ESYCOM ( from August to November 2017 )
- Conception and testing optical network with Matlab, comsis and optisystem
- Huawei Certification in routing and switching, 2019
- Certification in optisystem optical transmission network, 2020
- Telephony over IP :ToIP (Asterisk , Tribox, SIPx etc..)
- Telephony over IP in SENELEC : (deployment of cisco Call Manager)
- Integration of SDH/PDH network in the monitoring platformer HP Open View of the society SENELEC in SENEGAL.
- Configuration and deployment of wireless network in a Campus (WIFI, Lora…)
- Telecommunications trainer for pilot officers ( EAA ) of Army of Senegal, 2016-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of mobiles networks of Lome in Togo , 2020-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of optical network transmission , signal processing in École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) de Dakar, from 2010-2015
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks,, data transmission in Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT) de Dakar, 2011-2015
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks, mobiles networks in Ecole Supérieure de technologie et de Management (ESTM) de Dakar, 2011-2019
- Visiting Professor: Course of wireless networks, mobiles networks in university of Bambey (2014- 2019)
- Visiting Professor: Course of data transmission in University of Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis 2014, 2019-2022
- Visiting Professor: Course of data transmission in University of Thies (UT), 2018-2022
- President of jury in the national Baccalaureat from 2015 in 2020
- Jury member in Master’s thesis defense in EPT, ESP, ESMT, ESTM and ISI college