Dr Ibrahima Ka received a double engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Lyon and Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, Dakar in 2014. He then began pursuing his PhD degree at Université Grenoble Alpes, France the same year. His thesis focuses on online temperature measurements of power semiconductor devices using thermosensitive electrical parameters. His work is part of the health monitoring of power semiconductor modules in photovoltaic inverters (MEMPHIS) project supported by the French National Research Agency. His research interest includes instrumentation of power components thanks to microelectronic processes.
In 2017, Dr Ibrahima KA was appointed as teaching and research assistant in Laboratoire Ampère of Lyon. He joined the Dakar American University of Science and Technology (DAUST) in 2018 as an assistant Professor. Dr KA is currently an associate Professor in the Electromechanical department of Ecole Polytechnique of Thies.- A. Seck, M. Thiam, M. Wade, and I. Ka, ‘Comparative study of photovoltaic models using simulation and experimental studies’, IJRER, no. V12i4, 2022.
- I. KA, A. Cissé, (2022). Air Quality Remote Monitoring Module: I4.0 Application in Smart Poultry Farm. In: Hamlich, M., Bellatreche, L., Siadat, A., Ventura, S. (eds) Smart Applications and Data Analysis. SADASC 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1677. Springer, Cham.
- I. Ka, S. M. KA, S. Diouf, M. Niang, Smart Contactless Automatic Gel Dispenser: Development and Deployment in Senegal to Tackle Covid19. International Congress on Scientific Advances, Dec 2021.
- I. Ka, Y. Avenas, L. Dupont, M.Petit, Realization and characterization of instrumented power diode with aluminum RTD sensor – application to thermal impedance evaluation, EPE Journal, 2017.
- I. Ka et al., Instrumented chip dedicated to semiconductor temperature measurements in power electronic converters, 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2016, pp.1-8.
- I. Ka, Y. Avenas, L. Dupont, M. Petit, Développement d’une puce instrumentée adaptée à la mesure de température dans les modules de puissance. Symposium de Génie Électrique, 2016, Grenoble, France.
- Instrumentation
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)
- Power Electronics
- Power Electronics
- Electronic Circuits
- Digital Electronics and Circuits
- Foundations of Engineering
- Foundations of Automation
- Automation and Control with Laboratory
- Mechatronics Laboratory
- Elements of Electrical Engineering
- Introduction to programming with Python
1.YarTech: Smart Chicken Poultry Farm
Industrial Internet of Things – IIoT – is being more and more applied to every production field as technology evolves. Poultry farms take advantage of that trend to increase productivity and ease day-to-day management. Chicken meat production is economically feasible if environmental parameters are monitored and controlled in order to lower mortality. This project presents a remote monitoring solution applied to chicken poultry farm. Temperature, humidity and ammonia rate are obtained with DHT22 and MQ137 sensors. The main hardware component is a custom-designed PCB where Arduino nano IoT 33 microcontroller is embedded to collect and send data to the cloud. AWS cloud services, CDAP pipeline and PostgreSQL database are then used to store, process and display relevant data on a dashboard.
2. NrjDrone : Autonomisation énergétique des UAVs
Une des problématiques majeures dans l’exploitation des drones résident dans la limitation du temps de vol. L’autonomie de vol est généralement limitée à 15-30 min, avec une durée de vol maximale de 90 min actuellement atteint par les UAVs multirotors à batterie haute performance. Les systèmes d’alimentation des UAVs qui utilisent deux ou plus de sources d’énergie différentes (systèmes d’énergie hybrides) sont considérées comme une solution afin d’augmenter la durée de vol tout en conservant les principaux avantages de performance du stockage d’énergie classique avec batteries.
L’entreprise Canadienne BIRCIS Technology & Consulting et l’EPT lancent un projet concernant l’autonomisation énergétique d’un drone. L’idée directrice est d’explorer l’optimisation des UAVs via différentes technologies d’hybridation énergétique et d’en réaliser un prototype (numérique et expérimental).