About Me
- Professor in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès since October 2014
- Head of the Department of Research and Innovation of École Polytechnique de Thiès (2021-2024)
- Coordinator of a JEAI (Jeune Equipe Associé à l’IRD) Project DYNAMisM with IRD’s Correspondent Ramsès DjiDjou-Demasse. The Project runs from January 2022 to December 2024.
Areas of interest: Differential equations, Epidemiology and Ecology modelling, Population dynamics, Singular perturbations theory, Invariant manifolds theory.
Conferences/Workshop/School (Co-)organised
- First International Conference on Biomathematics in Senegal, June 29 to July 01, 2018
- EDySA&MOMA-2022 : Workshop on Evolutionary Dynamical Systems and Applications (EDySA) and Training on Mathematics and Modeling (MOMA)
- EDySA-2023 : Workshop on Evolutionary Dynamical Systems and Applications (EDySA)
Proceeding (Co-)edited
- Luca Gerardo-Giorda, Pierre Magal, Shigui Ruan, Ousmane Seydi, Glenn Webb. Preface: Population dynamics in epidemiology and ecology, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – B, 2020, 25 (6) : ⅰ-ⅱ. doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2020125
Book Chapter
- M. L. Diagne, M. M. Mbaye and O. Seydi, Monotony and Comparison Principle in Non Autonomous Size Structured Models, In: Seck D., Kangni K., Nang P., Salamon Sambou M. (eds) Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications. Trends in Mathematics. 2020, pp. 263-298. Birkhäuser, Cham.
- R. Djidjou-Demasse, C. Lemdjo, O.Seydi. Global dynamics of a spore producing pathogens epidemic system with nonlocal diffusion process. 2021. ⟨hal-03354455⟩
- M. M. Fall, B. M. Ndiaye, O. Seydi, and D. Seck, Analysis of COVID-19 evolution in Senegal: impact of health care capacity. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.06278. (2020)
Refereed journal articles
- F.B. Agusto, R. Djidjou-Demasse, O. Seydi, Mathematical model of Ehrlichia chaffeensis transmission dynamics in dogs, Journal of Biological Dynamics 17 (1) (2023), 2287082
- M.L. Mann-Manyombe, A. Mendy, O. Seydi, Linking within- and between-host scales for understanding the evolutionary dynamics of quantitative antimicrobial resistance, J. Math. Biol. 87, 78 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00285-023-02008-1
- R. Djidjou-Demasse, I. Goudiaby and, O. Seydi, Growth bound and threshold dynamic for nonautonomous nondensely defined evolution problems, . J. Math. Biol. 87, 32 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00285-023-01966-w
- R. Djidjou-Demasse, M. L. Mann-Manyombe, O. Seydi and, V. Yatat-Djeumen, Differential preferences for RBCs is key for Plasmodium species evolutionary diversity within human host, Studies in Applied Mathematics (2022) https://doi.org/10.1111/sapm.12527
- P. Magal, O Seydi, G. F. Webb, Y. Wu, A Model of Vaccination for Dengue in the Philippines 2016-2018, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2021), https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fams.2021.760259/full
- I. Mbaye, O Seydi, A. Sonko, On Multilayer Reaction-Diffusion problems: a Semigroup Approach, part I, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 1-25 (2021), https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2021.1927233
- P. Magal, O Seydi, F. B. Wang, Positively Invariant Subset for Non-Densely Defined Cauchy Problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 494 (2020),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124600. - P. Magal, O. Seydi, Variation of constants formula and exponential dichotomy for non autonomous non densely defined Cauchy problems, Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2020) https://doi.org/10.4153/S0008414X20000541
- Q. Griette, P. Magal, and O. Seydi, Unreported cases for age dependent COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, MPDI Biology (2020), 9, 132.
- Z. Liu, P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, A model to predict COVID-19 epidemics with applications to South Korea, Italia, and Spain, SIAM News 53(4) (2020).
- Z. Liu, P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, A COVID-19 epidemic model with latency period, Infectious Disease Modelling 5 (2020), 323-337.
- Z. Liu, P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, Predicting the cumulative number of cases for the COVID-19 in China from early data, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 17(4) (2020), 3040-3051.
- Z. Liu, P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, Understanding unreported cases in the 2019-nCov epidemic outbreak in Wuhan, China, and the importance of major health interventions, MPDI Biology (2020), 9, 50.
- P. Magal, O Seydi, F. B. Wang, Monotone abstract non-densely defined Cauchy problems applied to age structured population dynamic models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 479(1) (2019), 450-481.
- M. L. Diagne, O. Seydi, A. A. B. Sy, A two-group age of infection epidemic model with periodic behavioral changes, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 25(6) (2019) , 2057-2092.
- P. Magal, O. Seydi, Persistence of normally hyperbolic manifolds for a system of non densely defined Cauchy problems, Journal of Differential Equations 267(5) (2019), 2950-3008.
- P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, Final size of a multi-group SIR epidemic model : Irreducible and non-irreducible modes of transmission, Mathematical Biosciences 301 (2018), 59-67.
- A. Ducrot, P. Magal, O. Seydi, Singular perturbation for an abstract non-densely definedCauchy problem, Journal of Evolution Equations 17(3) (2016), 1089-1128.
- P. Magal, O. Seydi, G. F. Webb, Final size of an epidemic for a two-group SIR model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76(5) (2016), 2042-2059.
- G. F. Webb, C. Browne, X. Huo, M. Seydi, O. Seydi, P. Magal, A Model of 2014 Epidemic in West Africa With Contact Tracing, PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2015 Jan 30.
- A.Ducrot, P. Magal, O. Seydi, A finite time condition for exponential trichotomy in infinite dynamical systems, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 67(5) (2014), 1065-1090.
- A. Ducrot, P. Magal, O. Seydi, Persistence of exponential trichotomy for linear operators: A Lyapunov-perron approach, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 28 (2016), 93-126.
- A.Ducrot, P. Magal and O. Seydi, A singularly perturbed Delay Differential Equation modeling nosocomial infections, Differential and Integral Equations 29(3-4) (2016), 321-358.
- A. Ducrot, P. Magal and O. Seydi, Nonlinear boundary conditions derived by singular perturbation in age structured population dynamics model, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 (2011) 373-395.
Postdoc (co)-supervised:
- Moctar Kandé: Principal spectrum point and application to a system of Nonlocal Dispersal Operators. With R. Djidjou-Demasse
Ph.D Students (co-)supervised:
- Malick Pane : The intra-to-inter-host dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum: evolution, emergence and control of resistance to antimalarials (In progress). With R. Djidjou-Demasse;
Master Students (co-)supervised:
- Bassirou Diop : Adaptive dynamics of host-parasite interactions (In progress, University of Thies, Senegal). with R. Djidjou-Demasse;
- Malick Pane: Mathematical and numerical analysis of the behavioral model of a foundation plate (Completed in 2020, University of Thies, Senegal), with Ibrahima Mbaye;
- Serigne Mansour Diagne : Epidemiological modeling: The case of Malaria (Completed in 2021, Virtual University of Senegal)
- Ibrahima Danfakha: Mathematical and numerical study of the Pasternak model (Completed in 2020, University of Thies, Senegal), with Ibrahima Mbaye
- Aliou Sonko: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of two layers a Heat Transfer Problem (Completed in 2020, University of Thies, Senegal), with Ibrahima Mbaye
- Ousmane Sy: Two-seater aircraft: CS-23 performance study (Completed in 2020, Polytechnic School of Thies), with Cne Abdoulaye Sarr
Teaching complex analysis for Tronc Commun 2 (Polytechnic School of Thies)
2015- 2016, 2018-2019
Teaching ordinary differential equations for Tronc Commun 2 (Polytechnic School of Thies)
Teaching calculus for Tronc Commun 1 (Polytechnic School of Thies)
Teaching calculus and probability for the second year students in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. (Bordeaux University)
Teaching calculus for the first and second years students in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. (Bordeaux University)
Teaching calculus for the first and second years students in Physics. (Bordeaux University)
Teaching calculus for the first and second years students in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. (Bordeaux University)